In the loving memory of Late Pt. Pushkar Lal Ji Dave, who was known for his encouraging nature and hardworking personality, DAVE Foundation launches Pushkar Scholarship Program. The Pushkar Scholarship Program provides direct cash awards to top scholars in secondary level schools. Our focus is to motivate young kids to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).
Beneficiary Schools
राजकीय आदर्श उच्च माध्यमिक विद्यालय ईडरा, चित्तौड़गढ़ (Chittorgarh), Rajasthan, PIN 312024
Year 2022-23 Prize disbursed on: 22nd July 2023Scholar felicitation held on: 15th Aug 2023
Year 2022-23 Prize disbursed on: 22nd July 2023Scholar felicitation held on: 15th Aug 2023
Year 2022 - 23
Year 2021 - 22
Year 2020 - 21
Kunti Vairagi
Rank-1st , Class X
Harshita Joshi
Rank-2nd, Class X
Lucky Choudhary
Rank-3rd, Class X
PSP 2020-21 prize distribution